Thursday, May 22, 2008

Excuse me, Who Earn the Benefit from DEB?


Again I was move to write in my blog for my head keep on thinking about life and all around it. Society now a day’s are getting harder to understand. Though I live my life learning by watching and through example, but the society is getting tougher to read. Like the kids of All Time Favorite Anime, Transformer tag line “There More Than Meets the Eye”. From my own progative kid thinking mind, these metaphor seems too applied in our daily life.

Every day, people including me live their life just for the sake of earning their right to live. As for the Muslims, it is our Obligation to seek the world of untold secret. Although what we learned everyday a just like a drop of water in the big ocean.

Seeing and Hearing about other people’s life was nothing new to me. Even some people would say that I like to “Peek to Other’s Life” or what the Malay said, “Jaga Tepi Kain Orang”. The fact may be true, but I have my own point of view.

With all this Rucus about the PRU 12 Result and people keep on yapping about Political Issues around me everyday made my mind bothered. I am Bothered enough to think about the real issue in this current Political Atmospheres.

Recently, we heard about Tun Mahathir quiting UMNO because of Unfirm and Un – Authenticities of Dato’ Seri Abdullah Administration was getting people to talk more about Rights. The Malays from opposition Parties keep on saying that the Malays have lost their Rights. They no longer could live in this Great Nation we love for so long. And the other members of the, so called, “Pakatan Rakyat” without doubt supporting the statement. Some state that are currently under PR ruler made their first stand to abolish National Economic Policies (NEP) or better known as Dasar Ekonomi Baru Nasional (DEB).

MP Members from the opposition coalition, especially those from DAP state that DEB only benefit those of Malays Communities and not the whole other Multi Races who live in Malaysia today. They claim their rights as a Malaysian, from what the DEB was suppose to do. These statements clearly justify and portraying the state of mind in these individuals whom the Rakyat or the People select to be their Representative in Parliament.


That was the only word that race through my thoughts. Funny if you should ask why because for me, these individuals did not learn the proper educations, especially in History. Even they hold Degree in the Highest Level, they did not think about their surroundings. They did not learn from the life itself. They only earn Formal Education so for those who have been on the ground with the people. They only see what was artificial and not relating it to the course of History.

I myself have been living in town area for my entire life and the future to come. The statement that the MP’s provoked to the Government did not reflect to the Nowadays Society. Even the young people taste the benefits from DEB Program. So I hardly defer the statement that DEB only benefits the Malays and not the whole Society at large.

What made me think so?

First, we have to know what set the DEB in motion for the first time. It was DAP’s fault prior to May 13th, 1969 incident. The economical uneven between races separate the communities among each other. So, to make order go smoothly, the Government took the DEB as their stepping ground in Nation Economical Growth, especially of those who live in rural areas. For the first time, FELDA was form and for the first time Bilut was open. The peoples from those FELDA-settlements were given land to work, house to live and other infrastructure until today. They, whom we called, Peneroka, earn the benefit that the current MP’s said they did not. Their children earn the benefit. Just imagine, we live today, work so hard night and day, just to buy houses and land. But these Peneroka earn it for FREE!!! Majority in Bilut today are equally from Chinese, Malays and Indians alike. What more could they asked for?

If we viewed these kind of benefit, then I would said, “Yes, those PR Coalition MP’s was Right. DEB only benefits the Malays ethnic group”. But, seriously is that true?

The DAP Members who claim that only Malay who benefits DEB was Lying through their Mouth. Openly known, today Top Entrepreneurs are from other races other than Malays. In my account, the Sugar Man in Malaysia is Chinese. Who in Malaysia did not know Robert Kok? Who live in Malaysia did not recognized the late Lee Boon Siew and Lim Goh Tong? Who, if I may asked the Malaysian, DAP MP’s especially, is the Main Player in Construction today? Who again I might add the leading Communication Wizard if it is not Ananda Krishnan? So why, the Deared MP’s from PR Coalition, said and claim their right by saying DEB only benefit the Malays?

As I written above, I live in town area the entire life. In Bentong, although Malays hold the majority by 61% but the Chinese still lead in Economic sector. It was they, who sell the groceries, who sell fishes and veggies in the market, who supply the hardware appliances and who built in Firm Grounded Chinese Assembly Hall since 1883. Just imagined, 1883 that is over a Decade!!!

For me, who benefit the DEB Program are those who seek opportunities. They, who are opportunist, can earn and claim their Rights in DEB. Remember, Opportunity only come once and never repeated itself. That is what they should know and do, the MP’s. And they also need to ponder upon the ground where the people walk. Earn themselves a bit of street education. They have to learn the way of life and not just base on paper. Do not just YAP your way through like an Empty Can banging in Parliament.

This goes to current UMNO and BN MP’s as well!!!

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